California Indecent Exposure Defense Attorneys

Do You Need an Indecent Exposure Lawyer?

Indecent exposure is a serous sex-related crime in California. Although you may not have been engaged in any sexual acts, you are still subject to California’s sex offender registration requirements if you are convicted of this crime. That means that, if convicted, not only do you face a jail or prison sentence, you also face a lifetime requirement to register as a sex offender. This is a serious label that can affect where you are able to live or work, and can greatly affect many other aspects of your life. That is why it is essential that you hire an experienced indecent exposure lawyer.

Call Wallin & Klarich Today

The attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have been successfully defending clients facing indecent exposure charges for over 35 years. Here is what some of our clients have to say about us:

“I was facing the requirement to register as a sex offender for life, and I called Wallin & Klarich. The lawyers at Wallin & Klarich were extremely helpful and words cannot describe how grateful I am for their hard work on my case. My emails were always returned within minutes with an explanation that was easy enough even for me to understand. I will not have to register as a sex offender, and Wallin & Klarich is the reason why.”


You can place your trust in Wallin & Klarich. Our knowledgeable California indecent exposure lawyers are committed to defending your rights and your freedom. Call us today for immediate help on your case.

For more information on these laws, read below or simply pick up the phone and speak to one of our skilled indecent exposure defense attorneys today.

Call us today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 for a free telephone consultation.

Penal Code 314 PC – Indecent Exposure: Overview

Indecent exposure is simply defined as purposefully exposing oneself in a public manner where said exposure is considered lewd and out of place. Intentional exposure of part of one’s body, where exposure of that particular part is seen as offensive and contrary to the decency standards set forth in a specific community, is for all intensive purposes classified as indecent exposure.

Although indecent exposure criteria may vary by region, with certain regions being much less tolerable of exposure than others, it remains consistent throughout that exposure of one’s genitalia lacking in decency and therefore characterized as indecent exposure accordingly.

Defining Indecent Exposure in California

Accused of indecent exposure in California.

According to California Penal Code Section 314, you could be convicted of the crime of indecent exposure if you willfully and lewdly commit one of the following acts:

  • Expose your person, or the private parts thereof, in any public place, or in any place where there are present other persons to be offended or annoyed thereby; OR
  • Procure, counsel or assist any person so to expose himself or take part in any model artist exhibition, or to make any other exhibition of himself to public view, or the view of any number of persons, such as is offensive to decency, or is adapted to excite to of thoughts or acts is guilty of a misdemeanor”

For an offense in which a person enters a private residence or the inhabited portion of any building, punishment for this crime could be up to 364 days in jail. For all subsequent instances of indecent exposure, a convicted offender is guilty of a felony. Also worth noting is that the first offense of indecent exposure may result in a felony conviction if the offender has a previous criminal conviction.

What Conduct is Considered Indecent Exposure?

As noted above, one of the elements that must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in order for you to be convicted of indecent exposure is that your act of public nudity was sexually motivated. In all indecent exposure cases, it must be proven that the exposed party did so with the intent of disturbing the viewing party. Instances where the exposed party unintentionally exposes oneself cannot necessarily be termed indecent exposure, and those who are accused in cases such as these are not necessarily guilty.

A “sexual purpose” is required for you to be convicted, so displays of nudity that are not sexually motivated – such as streaking or urinating in public – do not constitute indecent exposure. Additionally, because indecent exposure requires the display of the genitals, flashing the female breasts or mooning are acts that do not constitute indecent exposure.

However, if you expose your genitals in any way for a sexual purpose, you could be convicted of this crime.

What are the Consequences of Indecent Exposure in California? (PC 314)

A conviction of indecent exposure can lead to multiple problems. If you are accused of indecent exposure in California, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. Misdemeanor indecent exposure is punishable by up to six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000. A felony conviction carries a sentence of up to three years in county jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

Not only will one have to face imprisonment, but you will also likely be required to register as sex offender for the rest of your life. It does not matter if you are convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor – you will most likely have to register for any type of indecent exposure conviction.

Sex offender registration could have a negative impact that will follow you for the rest of your life. Background checks will reveal an indecent exposure conviction to potential employers and it could affect your ability to obtain loans and suitable housing.

Are the Penalties Different if the Victim was a Minor?

Sex crimes against minors often carry significantly harsher punishment than sex crimes committed against adults. However, that is not necessarily the case with indecent exposure.

Anyone convicted of this crime faces the same penalties mentioned above, regardless if the victim was a minor or an adult. However, you could face more serious charges if you expose your genitals to a minor for sexual purposes. Rather than facing indecent exposure charges, prosecutors could charge you with the crime of child annoyance.

In order to convict you of this crime, the prosecution must show that you had an unnatural sexual interest in children. This is much more difficult to prove than the fact that you exposed yourself to the child, so this act is often charged as indecent exposure.

Call Wallin & Klarich Today If You Are Accused of Indecent Exposure

Wallin & Klarich indecent exposure attorneys
Our indecent exposure attorneys are able and ready to help.

The California indecent exposure attorneys at Wallin & Klarich are experienced criminal defense attorneys and know how to handle your case. Our team of qualified and aggressive attorneys have the resources and skills to help you get your charges reduced or in some incidents, dismissed completely. We’ve successfully defended thousands of clients in their time of legal need, and we can help you now.

With offices in Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, Victorville, Torrance, West Covina, Los Angeles and San Diego, there is an experienced Wallin & Klarich criminal defense attorney available near you no matter where you work or live.

Call us today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL (877-466-5245) for a free consultation. We will get through this together.

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